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This is "Stonewall Jackson's Way", a song of the Stonewall Brigade, a unit of Virginia commanded by Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson that was originally formed at Harpers Ferry on the 27th of April, 1861, from the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 27th, and 33rd Virginia Infantry regiments and the Rockbridge Artillery Battery of Rockbridge County, and was officially assigned to the Virginia Provisional Army.

The brigade later went on to serve as part of the famed Army of Northern Virginia.

This is Testvér, Elég a Szolgaságból!, a rare Hungarian nationalist song of the Arrow Cross Party.

This is a song about Earl Van Dorn's Army of the West at the Battle of Pea Ridge / Elk Horn Tavern, fought in north-western Arkansas on the 7th-8th of March, 1862. Interestingly, the song states that 10,000 men were lost, though the Confederates only lost around 2,500 in reality, and that Sterling Price was wounded by a "fatal shot", he was certainly wounded on the first day of the battle, but he survived it, and the war, in fact.

Not only did he survive the wound, his Missourians also won Elk Horn Tavern, before losing it the following day in a fierce counterattack.

This is an extended version I have made of a rare instrumental version of "Marcha de Oriamendi".

This is "Marcha de Oriamendi" , the marching song/anthem of the Carlist movement, a Spanish Nationalist, Traditionalist and Legitimist movement which aims to put the branch of the Bourbon dynasty descended from Don Carlos, Count of Molina on the Spanish throne. The Carlist movement also deeply supports the Catholic church in Spain. The battle cry of the Carlists is "¡Dios, Patria y Rey!" ("God, Fatherland and the King!")

During the 19th century, the Carlists fought a series of three wars against the Liberals. Many Carlists supported the Southern States during their war of independence. During the Spanish Civil War, the Carlists joined the Nationalist side in their crusade against Secularism, Republicanism and Bolshevism.

The march was originally a Liberal march which was later adapted by the Carlists to celebrate the Carlist victory in the Battle of Oriamendi in 1837 - during the First Carlist War. The song was originally in Basque, though Spanish lyrics were later composed by a Carlist politician, soldier and an expert on Spanish folk customs called Ignacio Baleztena Ascárate in 1908.

This flag belonged to a Carlist unit called the "Tercio de Burgos" which fought as part of the Nationalist Army during the Spanish Civil War.

This is "Marcha Real"/"La Marcha Granadera" ("Royal March"/"The Grenadier's March"), the national anthem of the Kingdom of Spain, specifically a version with lyrics sang during the period of the Spanish State/Francoist Spain (1939 - 1975).

Several versions exist, this particular version is a variation on the version by José Maria Péman of 1928, who later rewrote some of the lyrics specially for the Francoist regime.

This is a video of the 19th century German mourning song called "Ich Hatt' Einen Kameraden" by "Glimpses of Reich".


This footage from "Triumph of the Will" was originally uploaded by "Glimpses of the Reich" on Youtube. It features Adolf Hitler addressing the members of the Hitler Youth on the 8th of September, 1934.

A collection of different versions of "The Bonnie Blue Flag", the popular unofficial national anthem of the Confederate States of America, and one of three.

I have had to rework this video for my Youtube channel due to copyright issues, that version is slightly longer than this one and has some different music pieces.

This is "Ye Cavaliers of Dixie", a Southern song using the air of "Ye Mariners of England", an old British patriotic song.

According to "War Poetry of the South" (1866), this song was penned by a Benjamin F. Porter of Alabama, though the lyrics of the version in the book are a little different, and longer, than those in this rendition, but they're similar enough to claim that Porter composed the song, though I'm not certain about it.

This is "The Brass-Mounted Army" - a comedic Southern song using the air of "Southern Wagon". It was composed by an unknown member of German-born Colonel Augustus Buchel's Regiment.

Buchel originally served as a Lieutenant Colonel in the 3rd Texas Infantry, before becoming the Colonel in command of the reconstituted 1st Texas Cavalry Regiment, formed from the consolidation of the earlier 3rd Texas and 8th Texas Cavalry Battalions, in 1863.

This is "Rule, Britannia!" one of the most famous of all British patriotic songs. It was composed by James Thomson and Thomas Arne in 1740 to serve as the final musical number of "Alfred" - Arne's masque opera about King Alfred the Great, one of the greatest kings of Anglo-Saxon England.

The 18th century was a time of "Alfredism" - an early form of "Anglo-Saxonism", an English and British nationalist ideology which honoured Anglo-Saxon England as the foundation of Britain.

This is an American song from late 1979 about the Iranian hostage crisis, when the new Islamic Republic of Iran took over the U. S. Embassy in Tehran, holding it for almost 450 days into 1981.

The song is calling for the U. S. to launch an expedition to free the hostages.

One of the Ross Barnett's campaign songs during his 1967 campaign to be re-elected as the Governor of Mississippi. The song was composed by Houston Davis, and is being performed by the Magnolia State Quartet and the Jerry Lane Orchestra.

I'm also working on his 1959 campaign song, just there's a certain lyric I can't quite make out yet.

This is a quickstep march composed in 1862 in honour of the "Prattville Dragoons" - an Alabama dragoon unit which originally made up Company I of the 7th Alabama Infantry Regiment, before later becoming Company H of the 3rd Alabama Cavalry Regiment.

I believe this march is being performed by the 5th Alabama Infantry Band.

This is a song by John Hill Hewitt, one of the most accomplished Confederate composers.

This is the "Kentucky Battle Song" ("Respectfully Inscribed To The Kentucky Brigade"), a song of the Kentucky "Orphan Brigade" from 1863 by Charles L. Ward, of the 4th Kentucky Infantry, who also composed "Think Of Your Head In The Morning".

This is a Southern parody of "Hail To The Chief" that was composed by Colonel H. Washington in honour of General John B. Magruder, commander of the Department of Texas since 1862, and his victory in Galveston on New Year's Day, 1863.

This is a song by Ms Mollie E. Moore in honour of the Texas Brigade of John Bell "Wooden Head" Hood, widely regarded as being the shock troopers of the Army of Northern Virginia.

NOTE: I realise the point at the end of 22:33 is a bit strangely worded, I don't want to have to take down and reupload the entire video over it, so I'll state what I meant to say here:

"Thankfully, this failed when Franco won the war, and Stalin's plot to have a victorious, yet severely weakened Republic facing a Stalinist uprising never happened."

This is the second part to my series about bringing more truthful history to Frank Capra's "Why We Fight" series. With thanks to the videos by "Zoomer Historian", who has been an invaluable resource in learning the censored and memory-holed history about the lead-up to WWII, and aspects of it.

This is my first edition of part 1 of my new series detailing more truthful history behind the "Why We Fight" series of propaganda films. I have tried to detail as much as I can, but I might have missed some things. Ideally, I'm looking for extra historical facts so I can make a revised edition.

I'm going to do this with each episode. In order to not lose all of the comments, when (or if) I make a revised edition I will make the original edition an unlisted video. No point in having both editions visible in the playlist when most of the information is still the same.

This is a Southern parody of "Yankee Doodle" that mocks General Benjamin Butler, who lost the Battle of Bethel Church to General John B. Magruder.

This is "Heraus Zum Kampf!" ("Come Out To The Fight!"), a song of the Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (NPD), a German nationalist party that renamed itself to "Heimat!" ("Homeland!") in mid-2023.

This is an interesting variant of the "Stainless Banner" that served as the Battle Flag of the 14th Mississippi Infantry Regiment.

A 6-hour truthful retelling of Adolf Hitler's life


Created 3 years, 8 months ago.

496 videos

Category Music

Proud Nordicist of the Anglo-Saxon race! Blood: Pure English (German and Danish, and proud of it!), Welsh and Irish.

I am called Sakkra1993 on Youtube.

I am a White Nationalist. I am proud of my race, and believe it to be under threat of a deliberately engineered extinction. I support any expression of pro-Europoid Nationalism.

If I had the ability, I would set up a privately-funded Institute for the Preservation of the Nordic Race, which would operate a number of holiday camps, and other needful facilities, in which members of our Nordic race could go and expand the numbers of our race, ensuring its survival.

Think of them as being a bit like the facilities operated as part of the Lebensborn programme, in which expecting mothers would remain at the facility until after the birth, where they could partake in activities, and were treated well to ensure their comfort. Only in these camps the males would be allowed to remain, to be close to their beloveds, and to support them.

I would combine the efforts of the IPNR with that of other pro-Natalist policies, like offering cash incentives to couples of Nordic racial extraction to have more offspring.

In terms of foreign allies, I think White Nationalists should ally with our comrades-in-arms of other races to create a new, nationalist world order, such as Japanese Ultranationalists, and the Tsagaan Khas of Mongolia, for example, to work together for the mutual benefit of our races, and our allies' races. Just because I'm a White Nationalist, doesn't mean I don't want to see Japanese Ultranationalists protect and expand their Yamato Race in its motherland, for instance.